How to Create Home Based Residual Income

Did the Kids Forget the Disney Dreamer and Doer?

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to worry about what you told the kids, and if they would remember the i.o.u, because things have not changed much, huh? That grand trip to the zoo with all the extra goodies. Or maybe some new toys, new clothes, or whatever new fad is on t.v., really. Did the kids forget you were supposed to take them to Disneyland?

The Life you deserve has been there all this time. The children remind you, as they have blessed eyes and see what many times as adults has been forgotten. If there is a vision, there is a way. If there is a way, there is sure success with action. Maintain your vision.

The best part about what I have the opportunity to do is to open the way for families and individuals that didn’t believe anything positive in their Life was possible. They didn’t believe anything that needed changing for the better would ever be any different. And yes, I know what that feels like, as I struggled through many times while raising my 3 young boys. 

Their faces changed from sadness over toys last Christmas to seeing Mom pull through, even though I don’t have Hulk muscles. But remembering it was for them I was doing it for the entire time. It’s important for children to see wins.

Passive Income From Home

As adults, we go from just the other day being told its possible to be an astronaut to telling my own children they can be anything they want. They DO as they see. So how can you not Live your Dream?
But expect them to BELIEVE they can LIVE theirs. 

My boys were front row at my College Graduation and now waiting for the Dreamer and doer. Waiting for all that extra time and money after the years of school. The American Dream. But it didn’t work that way. I know its owed to them to allow them to see their Mom living her Dream. The 1st Example. Every child needs the best example. Because they are the future of us all.

We make the environment our children live in with our beliefs, dreams, and goals. If we attempt or not attempt to meet them. That shapes the child too. Children are like large sponges and they must know and understand success to have it. Their environment must include a powdery air of aspirations. People going places and reaching dreams. Prosperity mindset, and not lack.

No, the kids didn’t forget. They are waiting to be shown how its done.

"Transforming Monday to Friday for Families Across the Globe"

Angela K

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